This is a preparation for fight against crawling insects in the open and in buildings, such as cockroaches, bedbugs, fleas, ticks and mites.

Type of biocidal detergent- powder


Dizuntol is a parasitic powder for dogs and cats.He kills flying and crawling parasites-fleas, lice, ticks, and others. After treatment, the animals are protected by new invasion for three weeks.

Shake the pack carefully before use.The powder is applied evenly over the entire body of the animal against the hair to ensure that the preparation reaches the skin.Small dogs require 5-8 grams of dust, and 17-27 grams of powder are required for large dogs.Adult cats require 5-8 grams of dust, and for small kittens 2-5 grams of powder.The product does not apply to cats less than 2 months old.Re-treatment is done after 2-3 weeks.To prevent reinfection, it is necessary to replace the litter with a new one sprinkled with the preparation.

The product is not used in the vicinity of fish and bees and in cats aged less than 2 months.

Do not use concomitantly with DEET, malathion, oximes, cimetidine and phentoate.

There are no undesirable effects when using the preparation at the recommended doses.In the event of any symptoms of intoxication, the animal is treated with atropine at a dose of 1-2 mg, depending on its body weight.

Avoid getting into the eyes of the animal.Avoid inhalation of the preparation, contact with the skin and prolonged skin contact.After use, the hands are washed away!