RATMATT PASTE - 100g 150g 200g 500g 10kg
Prior to treatment with the poisonous bait, the infected area should be examined for identification of the types of rodents, the places of their activity and for determination of the probable cause of the invasion and its intensity.Food that can be easily accessed by rodents should be removed (such as spilled grain or food waste) in order to improve product intake and to reduce the likelihood of a repeat invasion.The area should not be cleaned immediately prior to treatment as this disturbs rodent population and makes the intake of baits difficult.The product should only be used as part of an integrated pest management system, including, among others, hygiene measures and, where possible, non-chemical control methods. Rodenticide should be placed in tamper-resistant bait stations in such a way so as to minimize the risk of accidental ingestion of the formulation by children and non-target animals.The baits are fixed inside the poison so they are not scattered by the rodents.Disinfection boxes must be provided with a mark that clearly indicates they contain rodenticide and must not be opened, damaged or moved.They are placed in the rodents by the rodents and areas, near their holes, on their routes and the places they prefer.Where possible, the boxes must be secured to the ground or to other structures, and to be placed in flood-protected areas.The baits have to visit often 2-3 at least once a day (in mice) or 5-7 days (when processing versus rats) after the start of treatment and at least once a week after that, in order to verify that the adopted by rodents and preload, if eaten or damaged.This continues until consumption stops.If the reception of the bait is relatively high, despite the number of pests, it is necessary deratizacionnite boxes to move elsewhere or to use Rodenticide with another formulation.The product is not intended for long-term use and is not used as permanent poisoning points.Processing lasts a maximum of 35 days.If, over the entire treatment period, baits continue to be eaten and there is no decrease in the number of rodents, the probable cause should be determined.After excluding other options, it is most likely a resistance rodent.Consideration should then be given to the possibility of using non-anticoagulant or stronger anticoagulant rodenticides as well as the use of traps as an alternative control measure.
The product should not be applied directly to soil and holes in rodents.The baits are not used to protect crops from rodents.Avoid treatment with the product in the presence of unprotected food and feed.Prevent access to the lure of children, pets, farm animals and other non-target animals.The biocide is dangerous for wildlife.When used in public places, treated areas are marked with warning signs describing the risk of primary and secondary poisoning as well as first aid measures.During and after completion of the treatment period, all remnants of the bait are collected and removed in a safe manner in accordance with the requirements of national legislation.Do not open sachets with paste.Wear protective gloves and avoid contact with the skin.After use and before eating, wash hands and exposed skin.Dead rodents are removed at frequent intervals during de-raid, at least at the same frequency as the baits are checked or recharged.In some circumstances, a daily check may be required.Use suitable gloves when handling dead animals.The dead rodents are placed in a tightly closed double plastic bags and delivered for storage or destruction at the sites for the disposal of animal products registered in the regional directorates on food safety (ODBH), in accordance with art. 259, para. 1 of the Law on Veterinary Activity (ZVMD) or outside entities registered in ODBH subject to the terms and conditions set out in the Ordinance under art. 259, para. 3 ZVMD
Mice: 20 g – 40 g of the bait in a drain box.The boxes must be spaced at least 5 m apart.
Rats:100 g – 200 g of the bait in a drainage box.The boxes must be at least 5 m apart.
Brodifacoum (N° CAS 56073-10-0) 0.0025 g / 100 g;
Main group 3; Pest control; Product type 14; Rodenticides; Contains: brodifacoum; Application method: Ready-to-use rodenticidе bait, in the form of a paste, to control the population of synanthropic rodents – brown rat (Rattus norvegicus) and house mouse (Mus musculus). May be used inside and around buildings (up to 0.5 m away from walls). Category of users:Private and professional.